1. I am dyslexic, but I make it my goal to hide it the best I can. Thanks spellcheck and autocorrect.
2. I have an obsession with grammar and punctuation. I love the semi-colon.
3. I was born and raised in Northern-Lower Michigan.
4. I went to university for one year for Early Childhood Education.
5. I moved to Indianapolis when I was nineteen.
6. I started drawing houses when I was young, and my grandfather got me my first CAD program.
7. I do not know if I will ever get married. Love is love without a piece of paper.
8. I do not like contractions, ex. don't, won't, etc.
9. Many people do not know that I am actively trying to conceive a child.
10. I usually treat my pets better than I do people.
11. I am buying a house through a rent to buy program with my best friend.
12. My living arrangements are different. There is my best friend, her son, her boyfriend, my fiancé, and myself.
13. I love my job. Eight days will be my one year anniversary.
14. I wish I lived closer to family.
15. My favorite animal is the cat. Meow!
16. My favorite colors and pink, purple, and red.
17. I love to listen to audio books, new and old.
18. I have been diagnosed with depression, but I choose to naturally deal with it.
19. I love to crochet. Knitting is not bad either.
20. I hate making lists, especially about myself.